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Spring to come to Azerbaijan on March 20 at 21:31:40

Spring will come to Azerbaijan on March 20 at 21:31:40, spokesperson for Caucasian Muslims Office Rahima Dadashova said.


EU Commissioner for Energy to visit Azerbaijan

EU Commissioner for Energy Günther Oettinger is planning to visit Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan till May, Oettinger said in his interview to Reuters.


Eldar Mahmudov: The main actors of Elmar Huseynov’s murder are known, they will be detained and brought to justice sooner or later

“As a result of the operations and investigation of the criminal case on journalist Elmar Huseynov’s murder, it has been proved that citizens of Georgia Tahir Khubanov and Teymuraz Aliyev participated in committing the murder.

20.03.10 In May, 2005, search was initiated for them through Interpol. National Central Bureau of Interpol in Azerbaijan is contacting with 188 countries. Information about these persons has been sent to all of these countries, search continues,” Minister of National Security, Lieutenant-General Eldar Mahmudov said in his interview to the Azerbayjan newspaper.

One episode of the “Valley of the wolves: Ambush” to be shot in Azerbaijan

19.03.10 “One episode of the “Valley of the wolves: Ambush” will be shot in Azerbaijan”, being in Gabala the main character of the serial Polat Alemdar (Nejati Shashmaz) told APA. Shashmaz said that they had come to Azerbaijan for holiday. He said that the panorama opened all the way from Baku to Gabala admired them. “We have shot “Valley of the wolves” in Los-Angeles, Aleppo, Cyprus. Why not shoot it here, in Azerbaijan? Both Gabala and Baku are beautiful. They look like nice places of Turkey”, he noted.

Nejati Shashmaz: “Valley of the wolves – Karabakh” may convey Khojaly tragedy to the world

Being on a visit to Azerbaijan, the main character of the serial “Valley of the wolves: Ambush” Nejati Shashmaz told about plans on “Valley of the wolves – Karabakh”.

19.03.10 “Valley of the wolves: Ambush” is the serial which keeps abreast of time. We reflect there daily events. Now Palestine film is on the agenda. We want to shoot the events taking place there from the first day till today. Karabakh film is about a massacre in Khojaly.

US Secretary of State congratulate Azerbaijani people on Novruz Holiday

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton congratulated Azerbaijani people on Novruz Holiday.

19.03.10 Press service of the US embassy in Azerbaijan told APA that the letter of congratulation says: “On behalf of President Obama and the American people, I offer warm wishes to the people of Azerbaijan as you celebrate Novruz and begin a new season of promise and possibility.

Decree of Pardon fulfilled in jails #6 and #15

18.03.10 Decree of Pardon issued by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of Novruz Holiday has been fulfilled in jails #6 and #15 of Azerbaijani Justice Ministry’s Penitentiary Service. 4 prisoners from jail #4 and 2 prisoners from jail #15 have been released, APA reports. Deputy Chairman of Justice Ministry’s Penitentiary Service Huseyn Alikhanov, Ombudswoman Elmira Suleymanova, Human Rights Defender Chingiz Ganizadeh attended the events held at both institutions.

Armenian armed forces are in miserable situation

Desertion, murder, rape, aggression, infringement, homosexuality, hazing, bribery, corruption, suicide and other illegalities increase in the enemy army.

18.03.10 A miserable situation is prevailing in the army of Armenia which faces with serious economic crisis in the South Caucasus. According to the reports APA obtained, disciplinary, spiritual-psychological and physical state of the military servicemen worsened in compare with previous years. There were 1643 cases of desertion, murder, rape, beating, bribery, corruption, suicide attempt, suicide, infringement and other illegal actions in 2007, 1984 – in 2008 and 2240 – in 2009.

370 out of 2240 cases were accidental, 652 – violation of regulations among the military servicemen and 1218 - criminal.

The accidental cases in the Armenian armed forces reduced in compare with 2008, but criminal cases increased.

Armenian armed forces faced with numerous losses in 2009. 78 servicemen of Armenian army were killed. 21 of them were killed in the battles (shooting, mine action, special operations) and 57 others were killed during the different incidents. 78 servicemen of Armenian armed forces were wounded during the battles.

Azerbaijani soldier wounded in Agdam direction


Patriarch Kirill delivers sheikh-ul-islam Allahshukur Pashazadeh’s invitation to Armenian Catholicos Garegin

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, who is visiting Armenia, presented the letter of invitation to the interreligious summit in Baku written by chairman of Caucasian Muslims Office, sheikh-ul-islam Allahshukur Pashazadeh to Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II.


Deniz Baykal protests deportation of Armenians and proposes to hold special parliament discussions concerning relations with Armenia

Leader of the main opposition party of Turkey – Republican People’s Party (CHP) Deniz Baykal criticized the Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan’s statement about deportation of nearly 100 000 Armenians illegally working in Turkey.


Azerbaijani President issues decree on pardoning 72 prisoners

Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev issued a decree on pardoning a group of prisoners on the occasion of Novruz holiday.

18.03.10 Under the decree, taking into account the appeals made to the President, personality, health, family, behavior of prisoners, 62 persons have been released from unserved term of their imprisonment. Generally, decree is applicable to 72 prisoners. Under the decree, taking into account the appeals made to the President, a group of persons were released from unserved term of their imprisonment.

Deputy Minister: The National Security Ministry rendered harmless 25 persons engaged in intelligence against Azerbaijan by the order of foreign intelligence agencies

The National Security Ministry rendered harmless 25 persons engaged in intelligence against Azerbaijan by the order of foreign intelligence agencies, Deputy National Security Minister, Major-General Ali Shafiyev said at the conference “The role of the youth in ensuring national security” held in Baku Slavic University on the occasion of the 91st anniversary of Azerbaijani national security bodies.


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad suggests OIC chief to appoint female deputy


Romanian Foreign Minister to visit Azerbaijan

Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconsky will be on an official visit to Azerbaijan on March 18.


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