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Azerbaijani Foreign Minister gives details of stage-by-stage solution to Nagorno Karabakh conflict

“Five regions and 13 villages of Lachin region should be released in the first stage of the settlement”

15.03.10 “We are analyzing the Madrid proposals and thinking that the new version of Madrid principles proposed in Athens creates an opportunity to make next steps and to start working on a large agreement”, said Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov.

The minister said there was diplomatic solution to any conflict. “The Prague process is continued for six years and the presidents and foreign ministers held several meetings in the past two years and mediators made numerous visits to the region. The Madrid principles were proposed in anew version. Azerbaijan creates an opportunity to accept the document and it means that Azerbaijan has chosen the diplomatic solution to the conflict and we are moving on this way. Let Armenia to announce whether it will accept this version or not and after that we will know what steps we have to make. We are discussing various options at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and thinking about that what methods and ways of discussions we have to choose”.

Frederick Starr: “The lag in finalizing the supply agreement with Turkey is increasing European dependency on natural gas coming from the Russian pipeline system”

“BTC pipeline was the only achievement of US diplomacy in the region after the collapse of USSR”, S. Frederick Starr, Chairman of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program told APA’s Washington correspondent.


European parliamentarian attends PKK meeting

French member of the European Parliament Jose Bove made a sensational statement claiming that French police knows about the secret PKK camps in the country and acknowledged that he attended the PKK meetings for several rimes.


Flood death toll reaches 30 in Kazakhstan


Armenians violate ceasefire in direction of Fuzuli and Terter regions


Azerbaijani soldier dies

A soldier of Azerbaijani Army has died, local authorities of Jalilabad region of Azerbaijan told APA.


World’s wealthiest man has Turkish origin

13.03.10 The world’s wealthiest man Carlos Slim, who left Microsoft founder Bill Gates behind with a net worth of around US$53.5 billion through his holdings, has Turkish origin, APA reports quoting the Turkish newspapers. Mexican telecommunication tycoon Carlos Slim Helú, who was declared by Forbes at the wealthiest man of the world this year, had very interesting facts regarding his origin.

Armenian armed forces conduct military exercises in two directions of frontline

Armenian armed forces started military exercises in the occupied territories of Aghdam region of Azerbaijan – Shahbulag Mountain and Uzundere.


Alaattin Büyükkaya: Parliaments’ decision on made-up “Armenian genocide” is harmful for Armenia itself

Decision related to the made-up “Armenian genocide”, which the parliaments of some countries made, is harmful for Armenia itself.

13.03.10 According to APA Istanbul reporter, deputy of Grand National Assembly of Turkey representing of the ruling Justice and Developemt Party, head of Turkish parliamntary delegation in OSCE Alaattin Büyükkaya said.

Kamaladdin Heydarov: 115 000 tons of grain in the State Grain Stock imported from abroad

The construction of grain storage facilities at the capacity of 100 000 tons in Baku and 60 000 tons in Gandja are on track of completion, said Azerbaijan’s Minister for Emergency Situations, Colonel-General Kamaladdin Heydarov.


Terrorist attacks kill 57 people in Pakistan


State Commission requests international organizations to search 576 missing people

State Commission for Captives, Hostages and Missing People of Azerbaijan requested the government agencies and international organizations to search 576 missing people, said the report on national security of Azerbaijan submitted to the parliament.

13.03.10 The State Commission also informed the International Committee of the Red Cross about 117 missing Azerbaijanis, who were not registered by ICRC earlier..

Fate of 84 missing people was clarified last year. 29 of them were identified alive, 35 were killed in the battles and recognized and buried by their relatives. 13 people were included in the list repeatedly and 7 became missing outside the conflict zone. 7 people became missing during the battles.

Turkish diplomatic sources: Turkish troops will defend Lachin corridor

Turkey says it is ready to join international peacekeeping forces in the region after the solution of Nagorno Karabakh problem between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Turkish diplomatic sources told, APA reports.

12.03.10 “Turkish troops are expected to join peacekeepers for security of Lachin corridor, which links Nagorno Karabakh with Armenia.

Deputy Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan: Kazakhstan that is chairing OSCE is working on the ways to solve Nagorno Karabakh conflict


Council of Europe approves assistance program connected with the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan

At their 1079th meeting, on 10 March 2010, the Deputies adopted a first set of decisions on the follow-up to the Interlaken Conference on the future of the European Court of Human Rights.

12.03.10 They gave, in particular, an initial mandate to the Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH) to consider the relevant parts of the Interlaken Declaration.

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