
Gunduz Ismayilov: Baku and Caspian Eparchy of Russian Orthodox Church, Baku Mountain Jews community and about 30 Islamic communities have been reregistered

APA’s interview with department chief of Azerbaijan State Committee on Work with Religious Structures Gunduz Ismayilov

10:48 / 18.11.2009 -According to the amendments and annexes made to the law on freedom of religion, religious communities must be reregistered in the State Committee on Work with Religious Structures. How is the registration process going on?

-According to the law, the religious communities must present their documents to the Sate Committee by January 1, 2010. The registration of the religious structures failing to present their documents within this period may be abolished by court basing on the appeal of the State Committee. Taking into account the period shown in the law, the State Committee is taking all necessary measures to finish the reregistration in time. First of all, the religious communities were informed about the amendments and annexes. Workshops and trainings covering the legislation basis regulating the amendments, relations between the state and religion were held in all the regions. The State Committee began holding these trainings in 2007. After amendments and annexes were made to the law on freedom of religion, these workshops and trainings are devoted to this issue.

As the religious communities were informed in time, the process of registration is going rapidly. Necessary assistance is offered to them to prepare documents. Of course, local executive authorities have great role in this process. The State Committee tries to use their opportunities in the process of registration, as with their help the documents of the religious communities are prepared rapidly. We have already finished a great part of the work concerning the registration. I would even say the hardest part of the work has been done.

-How many religious communities have been registered up to now?

-The registration began from the first day. Of course, the preparation of the documents takes some time. The first religious organization – religious center was registered in September. This is Caucasian Muslims Office. Following this, Baku and Caspian Eparchy of Russian Orthodox Church and Baku Mountain Jews community were reregistered. Moreover, about 30 Islamic communities have been registered recently.
The State Committee is reviewing now documents of more than 200 religious communities. We will witness their phase-by-phase registration in near future because there will be no registration problems after ordering the documents. According to presumable statistics, the State Committee will receive about 500 documents by the end of year. Preparation of documents is rapidly going on in the cities and regions. Some communities were already registered. It shows that registration issue of the religious communities is seriously addressed now.

- What will religious communities not submitting the documents until the end of year do?

- This issue was described in the legislation. Registration of the religious communities not submitting the documents will be annulled by the court decision. The State Committee is interested not in the annulment of registration of the religious communities, but in deepening of their activities. They need to pass the state registration at first. We are ready to support the religious communities within the laws. If some community remains indifferent and refuses to fulfill its duties, the State Committee can not take responsibility for that.

- What religious communities are active in the issue of registration: Islamic or non-Islamic? What problems do you face in this field?

- Most of the religious communities registered in the country are Islamic because Azerbaijan is Muslim country and 96 percent of population is Muslims. But both communities show activeness in the registration. Composition of registered communities confirmed it. Unfortunately there are indifferent communities in both Islamic and non-Islamic sides. Some of them think that they can provide activity without registration as it was earlier. But this is impossible. Those communities must prepare their documents and submit to the State Committee. There are communities, which purposefully refuse to do that. They intend to delay the registration process and then to blame the State Committee for that. Even someone try to create artificial agiotage. We stress that we don’t allow these communities and forces supported them to reach their goals.

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