
Decree of Pardon fulfilled in jails #6 and #15

16:38 / 18.03.2010 Decree of Pardon issued by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of Novruz Holiday has been fulfilled in jails #6 and #15 of Azerbaijani Justice Ministry’s Penitentiary Service. 4 prisoners from jail #4 and 2 prisoners from jail #15 have been released, APA reports. Deputy Chairman of Justice Ministry’s Penitentiary Service Huseyn Alikhanov, Ombudswoman Elmira Suleymanova, Human Rights Defender Chingiz Ganizadeh attended the events held at both institutions.

Deputy Chairman of Justice Ministry’s Penitentiary Service Huseyn Alikhanov noted that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev had once again taken a humanist step by signing the Decree of Pardon. He said that it is the 47th Decree of Pardon issued since 1995. The Deputy Chairman said that some pardoned prisoners had committed crimes again in several cases and it was very pity.

Ombudswoman Elmira Suleymanova highly estimated this step of the president. According to her, there have been 9 acts of pardon so far and the number of prisoners decreases day after day.

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