
Department Chief of Azerbaijan Presidential Administration: “Where is neutrality of the co-chair?”

“The West makes other steps instead of to settle the South Caucasus conflict”, said Chief of the Foreign Affairs Department of Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Novruz Mammadov in his interview to the official site of New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) making comments on the statement by French co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Bernard Fassier, who predicted defeat of Azerbaijan in the case of military operations and called Armenian militants “brave and courageous”, APA reports.

16:16 / 16.03.2010 Mammadov said he was regretful of the co-chair’s statement and said if Fassier indeed thought so, he should know that the Armenian militants, whom he called “brave and courageous”, occupied the territories of Azerbaijan with the support of other side and killed more than 20 000 innocent people committing genocide. “What does it mean to call such people “courageous”? Where is neutrality of the co-chair?”

Mammadov said if the conflict was settled, there wouldn’t be need in other actions in the South Caucasus. “I can not understand how primitive the Western politicians are thinking. If Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno Karabakh conflict was solved fairly, there wouldn’t be need to taken other action, to hold secret talks, or to force six ministers to stand back of Edward Nalbandian, to sign protocols or to update the so-called “Armenian genocide”. Even those, who are not politicians, understand that. Despite that the West intends to force us to accept this incorrect position”.

Regarding the OSCE PA Special Representative’s statement in Yerevan that “Azerbaijan shouldn’t make war statements and has to cut defense budget”, Mammadov said there were many such statements. “We have the right to liberate our lands. No one can deprive us of it. This right is recognized by the world de-facto and de-jure”.

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