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Caucasian Muslims Office issues fatwa on occasion of Maharram

According to fatwa, the Maharram month begins on December 18 and Day of Ashura will be on December 27.

Chairman of the Caucasian Muslims Office Haji Allahshukur Pashazadeh addressed the Gazi Council and said this year Maharram coincides with the New Year. He said the Caucasian Muslims Office put forward an initiative for blood donor campaign on Ashura Day in recent years. “The blood donor campaign should be most suitable mourning action in memory of Imam Huseyn. This action which aims to solve health problem, is welcomed by the people. We hope that believers will continue this tradition this year and deeply go into the philosophic essence of martyrdom in Islam”.

Maharram is first month of the Hijri-Gamari (Muslims’ lunar calendar) calendar. Imam Huseyn Aleyhisalam and his relatives were killed by Yezid ibn Muaviye on Maharram 10, the Day of Ashura.

15.12.2009     Çap et  Çap et