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Nejati Shashmaz: “Valley of the wolves – Karabakh” may convey Khojaly tragedy to the world

“Valley of the wolves: Ambush” is the serial which keeps abreast of time. We reflect there daily events. Now Palestine film is on the agenda. We want to shoot the events taking place there from the first day till today. Karabakh film is about a massacre in Khojaly. I know those events very well, but how to put in the script, I do not know. It happened 18 years ago, and the film can be made in the form of return to the past. With this film, we can tell the world about Khojaly. But we do not know how we will do it. I think it will be a historical movie ", - said Shashmaz to APA’s correspondent.

19.03.2010     Çap et  Çap et