525-ci qəzet

Deputy Minister: The National Security Ministry rendered harmless 25 persons engaged in intelligence against Azerbaijan by the order of foreign intelligence agencies

The ministry’s public affairs center told APA that Deputy Minister said successive measures were taken to increase the efficiency of the struggle against terrorism and aggressive separatism supported by aggressor Armenia on the highest level. As a result of the measures taken against the international terrorism, the attempts for terror attacks were prevented. A number of extremist groups having links to Al-Qaeda and Al-Jihad were rendered harmless.

Shafiyev noted that last year the ministry carried out successful operations against transnational organized crimes. A lot of organized gangs and individuals engaged in illicit drug turnover were detained, over 1 ton of drugs was removed from the illicit turnover, about 100 wee held accountable.

Giving information about the ministry’s international relations Ali Shafiyev said the measures taken against the terrorist, provocative activity of the foreign intelligence agencies, international terrorism, illicit drug turnover and transnational organized crimes increase Azerbaijan’s influence and the interest of other partners to extend the relations with the National Security Ministry. According to him, the National Security Ministry is actively cooperating with 51 intelligence agencies of 40 countries.

17.03.2010     Çap et  Çap et