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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad suggests OIC chief to appoint female deputy

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday suggested the head of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to appoint a woman as his deputy, APA reports. In a letter to the OIC Secretary General, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Iranian president suggested him to appoint an “elite Muslim woman” as one of his deputies. President Ahmadinejad said that he made the suggestion regarding the progressive view of Islam about women and their major role in development of Muslim societies. He added that he made the proposal in line with the OIC approvals on promotion of women’s status and role as half of the Muslim world’s population. He added that choosing a female deputy for the OIC chief would be a major step towards restoring women’s rights and boosting their capabilities. That would also indicate the OIC support for strengthening Women’s status in the society, stressed the president.

17.03.2010     Çap et  Çap et