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OSCE PA President Joao Soares: “Several steps have been taken towards solution to Nagorno Karabakh conflict”

They met with Georgian Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Gigy Tsereteli, APA reports. Discussions on Georgia-Russia conflict were held at the meeting.
The OSCE PA President told APA’s correspondent that the main purpose of the visit was to hold discussions on conflicts in the region: “It also concerns Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Special Representative of the OSCE PA Goran Lennmarker and OSCE PA Deputy Secretary General Tina Schoen worked hard on Nagorno Karabakh. We will meet with Azerbaijani and Armenian officials, as well as discuss the ways of solution to Nagorno Karabakh conflict. I think that several steps have been taken in this direction. Now both parties need to take some political steps. Their positions must be discussed in the direction of solution to the problem. We have met with the presidents and other officials of both countries and conducted negotiations. Answers of the both sides were positive in this direction”.

10.03.2010     Çap et  Çap et