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President Ilham Aliyev congratulates Azerbaijani women on March 8 – International Women’s Day

Azerbaijani woman made an unexampled contribution to the protection and keeping alive the rich national-cultural values of our people, native language and national traditions, said the message. “She is doing best to form our youth in a spirit of endless love to homeland, loyalty to the independent country and Azerbaijani idea, to sovereignty and territorial integrity of our motherland. There are brilliant examples of wisdom, selflessness and heroism of our women in ancient and rich history of Azerbaijan. As an active part of the republic’s economic, socio-political and cultural life for long years, her contribution to the national state building and rapid dynamic development of the country, which has no analogue in the world, has an exclusive significance. Azerbaijani women are actively contributing the sciences, education, health, culture and other spheres, where show their huge capacity and increases their influences.
I believe Azerbaijani women will continue to successfully work in the different spheres of socio-political, socio-economic and intellectual-spiritual life of our country and make new contributions to prosperity of our sustainable renovating country. I congratulate you on International Women’s Day and wish every of you good health, happiness and successes. Happy Holiday!”

06.03.2010     Çap et  Çap et