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Azerbaijani parliament makes amendments and annexes to law “On nongovernmental organizations”

Chairperson of the parliament’s committee for human rights Rabiyyat Aslanova gave information about the document. She said amendments and annexes were proposed to the law “On the legal state of foreigners and stateless persons”, Civil Code and law “On nongovernmental organizations”. The amendments and annexes arouse from the amendments and annexes made to the Constitution as a result of the referendum.
According to amendment, NGOs note in their regulations that they can not deal with the issues in competence of state and non-state self-governing bodies, state control, sanctions, inspections. The names of outstanding persons can be used in the names of NGOs only by consent of their close relatives.
Chairman of the Council of State Support for Nongovernmental Organizations under Azerbaijani President, MP Azay Guliyev said 2483 NGOs had been registered in Azerbaijan. 106 of them are representations and branches belonging to foreigners. Guliyev said the amendments and annexes proposed to the document did not contradict the international law.

The document was approved after the discussions.

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